hajimeが 作成しました
This commit introduces a new PHP library for the Line Messaging API, including core functionality, tests, and relevant configurations. It also adds quality assurance tools such as PHPUnit, PHPCS, PHPStan, and Psalm, alongside CI/CD setup with GitLab CI and Codecov integration. The project is prepared for scalable development and maintainability from the start.
hajimeが 作成しましたThis commit introduces a new PHP library for the Line Messaging API, including core functionality, tests, and relevant configurations. It also adds quality assurance tools such as PHPUnit, PHPCS, PHPStan, and Psalm, alongside CI/CD setup with GitLab CI and Codecov integration. The project is prepared for scalable development and maintainability from the start.
このプロジェクトは、MIT Licenseの下でライセンスされています。