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  • hajime's avatar
    Add initial implementation of Line Messaging API library · d8a6a20c
    hajime 作成しました
    This commit introduces a new PHP library for the Line Messaging API, including core functionality, tests, and relevant configurations. It also adds quality assurance tools such as PHPUnit, PHPCS, PHPStan, and Psalm, alongside CI/CD setup with GitLab CI and Codecov integration. The project is prepared for scalable development and maintainability from the start.
    Add initial implementation of Line Messaging API library
    hajime 作成しました
    This commit introduces a new PHP library for the Line Messaging API, including core functionality, tests, and relevant configurations. It also adds quality assurance tools such as PHPUnit, PHPCS, PHPStan, and Psalm, alongside CI/CD setup with GitLab CI and Codecov integration. The project is prepared for scalable development and maintainability from the start.
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